A Checklist For Selling Your Omaha, NE HomeThere is no denying that preparing to sell your home can be a very stressful time for you and your family - now tack on a global pandemic and the process can seem downright overwhelming. The little items on your to-do list seem never-ending as you do your best to make your home as appealing as possible to potential buyers. 

In an effort to ease some of the stress, we have broken down a few items below for you to review and start checking off your list. One step (and check mark) at a time, you got this!  

-Make all beds each day (invest in new linens if any are looking worn)
-Clear off surfaces of furniture items such as bedside tables and dressers
-Keep floors clear and mop/vacuum frequently so no dust builds up
-Organize closets and be sure to keep doors closed for showings 

-Make sure all surfaces are clean and clear of clutter
-Replace old hand towels with new decorative ones 
-Run your shower curtain through the washer (or purchase a new one if yours looks worn)
-Sanitize countertops and any moldy areas within the bathroom (corners of sinks and bathtubs, etc.)
-Clean toilet bowl and always be sure to keep toilet lids closed during showings 
-Make sure garbage cans are completely empty and clean
-Replace caulking if necessary 

Living and Family Rooms:
-Remove any furniture that makes the area feel small and closed off
-Make sure tables are clear of clutter
-Put away any toys from children/dogs
-Incorporate decorative throws and pillows to make the space soft and inviting 

-Clear off all unnecessary items from countertops 
-Organize the pantry so it looks neat and tidy 
-Deep clean the microwave, stove and oven
-Remove any magnets and/or pictures from the refrigerator doors 
-Clean tile grout (bleach it if necessary)
-For showings, put away pet food and water dishes
-Make sure the garbage is empty prior to each showing

-Remove all clothing from the room (dirty or clean)
-Put away (or organize) any laundry soap and supplies
-Make sure floors are clear and clean – vacuum and mop frequently
-Keep all surfaces clear and clean 


From new, modern homes to old fixer-uppers - whatever your taste let our experienced team help you find your dream home in Omaha, NE. Be sure to sign up for our listing alerts here!