Next Up: Deep Clean Bathrooms, Bedrooms and Closets In Your Omaha, NE HomeWelcome to part two of our deep cleaning series! Today we are going to be covering three new areas of your home - bathrooms, bedrooms and closets. Let’s jump right in:

Bathrooms: the place where all dirty hands are washed, business is handled, and germs like to gather. Be sure to pay extra attention and disinfect just a little more here!

-Door knobs and handles: Using disinfectant wipes or multi-purpose cleaner, take some time to thoroughly wipe down these areas as they are some of the germiest in your home. Handles are used multiple times a day and many people don’t think do disinfect them often – so here is your chance! 

-Sinks, toilets, bathtubs and showers: The first thing you should do is spray all areas with disinfectant cleaner and let it soak for a while to break up any build up that has accumulated. After a few minutes, scrub all areas including the base of the toilet. 

-Bath mats, hand towels, cloth shower curtains: Before doing anything, be sure to check the care tags to ensure they are machine washable. If they are, throw those puppies in! To keep them from wrinkling in the dryer, you want to set your heat to low, take them out while they are still slightly damp and hang them up to finish drying. 

-Drawers and under sinks: No matter how hard you may try to keep these areas clean they always seem to get cluttered and messy overtime. The first thing you should do is take all the items out and put them on the floor. Next, sort through and throw out any products/items that you no longer use or need to clear the clutter. You then want to wipe the bottoms of the drawers and cabinets. Lastly put back all your items, making sure to put the most used items near the front so you can easily access them.

-Mirrors and light fixtures: Taking a small amount of vinegar on a damp rag, thoroughly wipe down all mirrors and light fixtures in your bathroom. Pay special attention for any buildup that has settled into corners and edges of the areas. 

-Glass shower doors: Fewer things are more frustrating than water spots and/or soap scum build up on your glass shower doors. To remedy this, try spraying warm distilled white vinegar and let it sit for about thirty minutes before sprinkling baking soda on top. Lastly, scrub everything away to reveal your sparkling glass doors! If you don’t have white vinegar and baking soda, you can also try using a damp dryer sheet to remove the buildup. 



-Bedding: First, remove all the bedding and throw it in the wash. If for whatever reason you are unable to wash certain items, such as pillows or down comforters, you can look into taking them to a dry cleaner for a freshen up. 

-Dust/clean surfaces: Clean any mirrors and/or windows in the room with appropriate cleaner and rag, and dust surfaces such as nightstands and dressers. Additionally, don’t forget those often-neglected surfaces such as ceiling fans (use damp paper towels to collect dust), window treatments and headboards.

-Vacuum and/or mop floors: Don’t forget to pay extra attention to baseboards and corners of the rooms where dust and allergens are most likely to accumulate.

-Flip and freshen your mattress: To freshen your mattress, try sprinkling baking soda on top and letting it sit for just under an hour before vacuuming it up. Additionally, if you have a pillowtop mattress you should consider rotating it to help keep its shape. 


-Wipe down shelves and drawers: When deep cleaning, it is best to remove all the items so you can do a thorough clean of the surface. Take a damp rag to remove any buildup.

-Vacuum carpet: Again, remove all items from the floor and do a onceover with your vacuum paying attention to the corners of the closet. Also be sure to check the corners of the ceiling for any cobwebs or dust bunnies that have accumulated. 


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