Tips To Ensure A Successful Final Walk Through On Your New Omaha, NE HomeWe understand just how stressful the home buying journey can be – from setting a budget to finding your perfect neighborhood, to touring potential houses and finally landing the home of your dreams – it is a process to say the least! But when the finish line is finally in sight you don’t want to forget one crucial step, the final walkthrough. 

In today’s blog post we are going to be talking about different aspects of the home you want to make sure to check (and double check) before signing the final paperwork. But before we dive in, lets chat about what a final walk through is:

A final walk through is your last opportunity to tour the home and make sure that everything is in order and working as it should prior to closing day. It also gives you, the buyer, an opportunity to verify that the seller has completed all agreed upon repairs, as well as allows you time to ensure that no new issues have arisen since the home inspection was completed.  The final walk through is usually done a few days before the closing day. 

A few items you want to make sure to bring to the final walk through are the home inspection report, the home purchase agreement, a camera, something to write on/with and an item to use to test outlets. 

Below we have featured a quick checklist for you to have handy to ensure that nothing is overlooked during the final walk through:

-Do a quick overview and look for any obvious damage
-Turn every light fixture on/off
-Test all appliances, including stove burners 
-Run all waterspouts and look for any leaks under the sinks
-Test hot/cold water
-Flush toilets a few times and make sure they fill correctly/look for any leaks
-Test the air conditioning and heating 
-Open and close all windows and doors 
-Test the garbage disposal 
-Look closely for any mold buildup
-Test all outlets to ensure they work properly 
-Make sure garage door openers are present and work correctly 


If you are looking for more tips and tricks for home buyers, look no further! Check out our Home Buying Tips page here