Ways To Celebrate Memorial Day 2020 At Home In Omaha, NEGrab your red, white and blue and get ready to celebrate Memorial Day 2020! While we understand this year may not be spent BBQing at a large backyard party (thanks, Covid), that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the holiday with your family safely at home.

Below we have listed a few ways to celebrate Memorial Day from the comfort of your own home, along with other virtual events held by local Omaha, NE businesses this weekend. We hope you enjoy today’s blog and have a wonderful holiday weekend! 

How to celebrate Memorial Day at Home: 

-Wearing red, white and blue clothing and filling your home with festive decorations are wonderful ways to bring the spirit of the holiday to life! Seeing the patriotic colors and décor also serve as a wonderful reminder of why we celebrate Memorial Day in the first place. 

-On that same note, you can also bring the festive decorations outside your home by flying an American Flag and using chalk art on your sidewalks. Not only is chalk art a fun way to spend an afternoon, but it is also a sweet and artistic way to honor those who have served. Let your inner artist go wild! 

-Another way to celebrate the holiday is by tuning in to PBS for the “National Memorial Day concert.” This celebration features documentary footage, celebrity performances and warm readings to honor and celebrate military personnel and their families. The event will be held Sunday, May 24th at 8:00pm EST. 

-Take the time to acknowledge a solider in your life (if you know one) with a quick call, text or FaceTime. You can also donate or drop off flowers to fallen heroes at your local cemetery to honor their life and sacrifice.  

-Lastly, for the music lovers out there, have a patriotic concert right in the comfort of your living room! Find a list of the nation’s most national songs and sing like there is no tomorrow. It is a great family bonding activity and is a sure way to bring some light to everyone’s day.

Virtual Omaha, NE events: 

What: Memorial Day Virtual Run OMAHA
When: May 25th
Website: https://www.active.com/omaha-ne/running/distance-running-virtual-events/memorial-day-virtual-run-omaha-2020?int=72-3-A3

What: Dinner and a Play (at Home): One way to Mars
When: May 22nd | 7:30pm
Website: https://www.omahaplayhouse.com/education-and-programming/view/athome/

What: Virtual Adventure Trails Backstage Experience at Omaha’s Zoo
When: May 22nd | 12:00pm
Website: http://www.omahazoo.com/virtual-classes

What: Art Adventures: Refrigerator Still Life
When: May 22ned | 10:30am – 11:00am
Website: https://www.joslyn.org/education/classes/art-adventures/

What: Steam into Saturday Virtual Happy Hour 
When: May 23rd | 5:30 – 6:30pm
Website: https://www.facebook.com/events/2952782078101968/

What: Remembering Our Fallen Exhibition
When: May 22nd to May 25th
Where: Prospect Hill Cemetery | 21901 West Maple Road Elkhorn, NE 
*In person event, please adhere to social distancing recommendations


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