Whether you're a first-time Omaha home buyer or an experienced investor, it's crucial to be aware of the potential dangers lurking behind seemingly incredible deals. Our goal is to provide you with the necessary knowledge and tools to safeguard yourself from common real estate scams.

Utilize the following resources to educate yourself and make informed decisions throughout your property buying journey.

1. Research, Research, Research!

Before you even begin to consider a real estate transaction, arm yourself with knowledge by:

• Researching the market trends.
• Comparing property values.
• Verifying legal requirements specific to your location.

By educating yourself about the property market in Omaha and staying updated on current housing trends, you will not only gain a better understanding of what to expect, but also reduce your vulnerability to scam artists who target the uninformed. One way to do this is through our website and regular blog articles, so make sure you check back every week for more informative articles.

2. Be Wary of Unrealistic Deals

We've all heard the saying, “too good to be true,” and it applies even more so in the real estate world.

Scammers use incredibly low prices and promises of high investment returns to deceive victims. They are even attempting to sell other people's land without their knowledge. To protect yourself, trust your instincts, consult real estate professionals, and seek multiple opinions to avoid being scammed.

3. Work with Reputable Professionals

When it comes to real estate transactions, having the right professionals by your side can make all the difference.

Seek out licensed real estate agents, attorneys, and inspectors with solid reputations.

Scammers often pose as professionals, so verify their credentials and seek referrals from trusted sources before proceeding.

4. Always Inspect the Property

Buying a property sight unseen is strongly discouraged. If a seller refuses an in-person inspection, it is likely a red flag. Real estate fraud is on the rise in 2023, making it even more important to verify the property's authenticity. Insisting on a visit with a certified inspector is recommended to uncover any potential problems and ensure the property is legitimate.

5. Secure, Don't Wire

Be extremely cautious when it comes to wiring funds for a real estate transaction.

Scammers will often push for wire transfers and create urgent scenarios to pressure you into needing to make quick decisions.

Always verify the recipient's information directly and consider using more secure payment methods, especially for large sums of money.

6. Consider Using a VPN

In this day in the digital age, protecting your online interactions is critical. Scammers can exploit insecure connections to access sensitive information and wreak havoc on your property search.

If you’re wondering, “Do I need a VPN?” the answer is yes. A VPN will make it harder for hackers to intercept your data, especially when dealing with financial matters online.

7. Research the Seller

If you're dealing directly with a seller, do your homework on them. Cybercriminals pretend to be distressed homeowners or overseas sellers who need urgent transactions.

The best way to get a better seller identity is by:

  • Looking up property ownership records.
  • Confirming identities.
  • Being wary of sellers who avoid personal interactions or try to rush the process. Don’t let their pushy attitude make your stress levels increase. There’s a reason they’re trying to get you to act fast.

In today's world, there are numerous real estate opportunities available, but it is crucial to be aware of the risks involved. Stay vigilant, gain knowledge, and follow the tips mentioned above, which include prioritizing cybersecurity and using a VPN. By doing so, you can protect your investments and dreams from falling victim to common real estate scams. Remember, being well-informed and making informed decisions is your best defense against these unethical practices.

Have your home needs changed in the past year? Perhaps you’ve outgrown your present home, or need to downsize to a more suitable home. If you’re ready to make a move, let’s connect and talk about all the amazing opportunities that are available to you!