Since air quality directly impacts your health and well-being it's important to do what you can to improve the air quality in your home.  Did you know that opening windows and allowing the fresh air in is the #1 way to improve air quality?  Here are 5 more ways to improve your home's air quality:

1. Clean your home often with as many chemical-free products as possible.  Use Hepa filters on your vacuum cleaner and mop.

2. Keep your home at 50% or less humidity; this helps reduce mold.  Also be sure to utilize your exhaust fan when baking, bathing, cooking and using your dishwasher.

3. Always dispose of paint, gasoline or other hazardous chemicals.  Do not leave them around your home or garage.

4. Furnace filters should be replaced every 3 months with a completed furnace check-up before the winter months.

5. Opt for hardwood floors, ceramic tile or laminate and remove old carpeting.  Carpets tend to trap more dust particles. If you have carpet in your home look to include house plants that filter toxins.

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