There's a lot of work involved in keeping a home looking clean and tidy, whether or not your house is on the Omaha market and you're preparing for showings. Particularly when you have a family, keeping your home clean can seem like a full-time job.

If you’ve ever been to someone’s house and felt like it’s always clean and you’ve wondered their secret, they probably have a few, including the following.

Stop the Marathon Cleaning Sessions

Many of us put off household chores and try to do everything at once, which makes us feel like we'll never be able to keep up. You may pile up clutter all week and then tackle it on Saturday.

That’s fine, but you could develop a negative relationship with cleaning because it’s always frustrating to tackle such a big project.

If you can make goals to clean your house a little at a time, it changes your habits and becomes a natural part of your routine rather than a once-in-a-while dreaded task.

Try focusing on things you can do right now that will make a difference over time, even if they are small. As a result, you won't feel overwhelmed. By gradually adding these small tasks to your daily routine, you'll stop thinking of them as cleaning. You'll just accept them as part of your daily routine.

Try the 20/10 Rule

The 20/10 rule is an approach that can help you stop being a marathon cleaner.

By using a timer, you train yourself to clean briefly throughout the week. For example, you can set a timer for 20 minutes. You focus on cleaning something during those 20 minutes. Then, you give yourself a 10-minute break to do whatever you want, and once that ends, return to cleaning.

Make the Beds Everyday

One of the best things you can do for yourself to feel mentally more in control of your home and your day is to make your bed every day. Make it even on the weekends or when you don’t feel like it.

Making your bed has an immediate impact. You can feel calmer knowing that at least one thing in your home is tidy, no matter what.

Put Things Away As Soon As You’re Done Using Them

Take a moment to consider how many things you use throughout the day without putting them back. Every day, we do it unconsciously. You might leave something on the countertop for now instead of putting it back in the drawer.

Clothes are another example. Instead of hanging them up, you start throwing them on the floor or your bed, so try to change that habit.

These things add up.

If you consciously promise yourself you’ll put everything back after you’re done using it, you’ll notice a difference in your home.

Do One Room At a Time

When you do clean, focus on one room at a time. It gets overwhelming to tell yourself you have to clean the entire house.

You can stay motivated and encouraged when you focus on one room at a time.

Have a Schedule

Having a schedule can help people maintain a clean home consistently. It is up to you to come up with something that works for you, but one way to do it is to separate tasks by day and do them on the same day every week.

You might dust and do laundry on Monday, and vacuum and clean bathrooms on Tuesday. You can go from there, but as you’re doing more frequent cleaning, things have less of a chance to become big messes.

Finally, aim to do a load of laundry a day. That means washing it, folding it, and putting it away. Laundry can create piles and messes all over your home if it gets out of hand, so taking control of those before they become problematic will keep floors and other areas tidier.

Maybe you come up with a routine for the load you do every day. For example, you could put a load in in the morning before leaving for the day. You put it in the dryer as soon as you get home, and you put it away before bed.

Have your home needs changed in the past year? Perhaps you’ve outgrown your present home, or need to downsize to a more suitable home. If you’re ready to make a move, let’s connect and talk about all the amazing opportunities that are available to you!